New York is a vibrant city. You probably have heard, it never sleeps. And as Frank said again and again: "If you can make it here you can make it anywhere."

It's a concrete jungle where dreams are made. More than 8.5 million people from all over the world call the Big Apple home, and another 60 million or so visit it every year.

That happens for a good reason: no matter what you love or which are your interests – art, food, architecture, photography, shopping, sightseeing, theater, music, romance, adventure, exploration – New York is the place where you can find it all and much more.

It's a new surprise on every corner, every day. It's a dream in every heart. Just have your eyes and sensibility open. In New York you can learn a new thing every single day. In New York you can make your dream come true. So, why not give it a try?

Through The Dust

September 11th, 2016 marks the fifteen-year anniversary of the largest terrorist attack ever to take place on American soil. Annual memorials and ceremonies will dutifully commemorate the tragedy and its victims.


In this recollection, every one of us is presented with an important opportunity for deeper reflection on how we can offset 9/11’s damaging legacy together. For more stories from 9/11 first responders, be sure to also check out Jonah Markowitz's portrait/reporting component to the "Through The Dust" project, on Newsweek: www.newsweek.com/through-dust-living-victims-911-497039 

Somewhere along the line, in these 15 years since that tragic day, we lost the truth of what happened, we lost the purpose of it. There was a unity message in that event. It’s a shame that we did not embrace that opportunity that would have changed our country and humanity for a lifetime.

If you want to survive 9/11, then you will have to hold on to that amazing moment in time when you had the purest response, and we were all together as ONE. We had the chance to grab and hold to something that would have changed us FOREVER – if everybody would have just kept that faith and kept that feeling. For a period of time, there was no separation between us: there were no whites, no blacks, no poor, no rich. We were just ONE. It broke down globally.

That would be something to hold on and propel to humanity to the next level.
— Anthony Miranda, Sergeant NYPD Retired


Tribute in Light

Tribute in Light

All the Buildings in New York City

All the Buildings in New York City